spice rack


Cooperation with Sunday Natural

Even before my cooperation with Sunday Natural, I have ordered my supplements from them, and so I have by now gathered quite a few of the pretty brown glasses they come in. And it would be such a waste to just put them in the glass recycling container.

Meanwhile open spice packets have been piling up in my cupboard, which I couldn’t find a proper home for in my two existing spice racks. That’s what it’s like when you love cooking, I guess. The spice situation gets out of control.

So a bought a pretty shelf thingy on Ebay and started a third spice rack.  

The brown apothecary glasses that the supplements came in are perfect for that purpose. Only the labels had to be removed and replaced.

How do you easily remove a label?

I have made an Instagram reel about that:


First you pour boiling hot water into the dry empty jars to warm up the glue. Now you can just pull the labels off in one piece.

Next, rub some plant oil onto the sticky glasses. That makes the glue come off. The glass needs to be hot for that, so I recommend leaving the hot water in the glasses while doing that. I use rubber gloves, because hot 🙂

Now you can scrub it off with washing up liquid and a sponge. But what works best and fastest is orange oil concentrate cleaner* which you can find in organic stores.

Next, dry them well with a tea towel. To dry the inside, I twist the tea towel and stuff it into the glass, the turn it a bit. That works very well. You want to leave the open glasses out to dry for a few hours to make sure they are really dry inside.

Now you can write the labels and apply them to the glasses. I bought these*. There are also pen that will write on the glass.

Meanwhile I have bought a label printer* and am very happy with it:

spice rack

Next, fill the spices into the glasses and place them in your new spice rack.

A DIY spice rack is of course a beautiful present for someone who loves to cook.

If you’re also into making your own spice mixtures, you might want to look at my fried apple spice and my chai madeleines.

If you like my DIY spice rack, you might also enjoy my other recipes in collaboration with Sunday Natural:

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